Right Holders

Are you a publisher or author?

Find out exactly when and where your song is being used, how much money it generates and get paid on time.

Now you can.

  1. Track the use of music within the most advanced technology: We update the information every 24h so you can know when and where your music is used.
  2. We pay on time: No more delays on payment. We offer a full report and monthly settlements.
  3. We analyse the use of your music to obtain useful data. Have in-depth knowledge about your audience to make the right decisions.

In addition, we have the best partners to ensure the efficiency of our management model. Our platform has been designed by leading companies in the sector, and we work continuously to ensure it adapts to the changing needs of an ever-evolving industry.

Our goal is to offer our clients maximum efficiency in tracking the use of their music, unprecedented transparency in rights management, and the ability to quickly distribute based on actual usage.